Water Conservation Tips

Drought season has officially hit the Raleigh area. It’s time for homeowners to dial back on water use… and approach property maintenance simultaneously. And sometimes that balance can feel tricky.

Get Water Smart

In most neighborhoods, water conservation isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the law. Protect your local environment and maintain code compliance with these tips:

  1. Stay on top of sprinkler maintenance
    A small leak in your sprinkler system can waste thousands of gallons of water each month. If your water bill seems high or you notice a drip-drip-drip that shouldn’t be there, let Doctor Sprinkler assess the situation.
  2. Get rain sensors installed
    A rain sensor will automatically pause your irrigation system when natural rainfall will suffice. It turns your irrigation system back on when it senses dry conditions.
  3. Set your mower blade higher
    By keeping your grass a touch taller, you reduce the amount of evaporation and facilitate more effective natural irrigation.
  4. Design a watering plan
    Our team can create an irrigation plan that will use water effectively and efficiently. It wastes less and keeps your lawn healthy.

Doctor Sprinkler is your support system throughout drought season. As your irrigation experts, it’s our job to help your maintain your property, landscaping, and water conservation goals.