3 Ways to Save Water – and Your Wallet

No matter how old you get, summertime still holds that magic quality: it’s a special time of year, and it should be enjoyed to the fullest.

Yet there’s a catch. Every summer, homeowners drain their water supply – and their bank account – to keep their lawn happy.

Understanding Water Waste

Let’s start with a sobering but important fact. According to the EPA, “as much as 50 percent of the water we use outdoors is lost due to wind, evaporation, and runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems.”

And it’s the job of Doctor Sprinkler to ensure that our customers aren’t part of that statistic. We do it with some smart irrigation measures.

The Path to Smart Water Use

When properly installed, maintained, and monitored, your sprinkler system can save you money and help you invest in the health of your lawn. But it takes a little bit of upkeep.

That’s where Doctor Sprinkler can help. Our team delivers a full suite of maintenance solutions designed to keep your irrigation system operating at peak performance. A few of our key actions include:

  1. Servicing your irrigation controller. This technology can cut your irrigation consumption by 15%, which can save your property more than 7,500 gallons each year.
  2. Inspecting and addressing leaks. Leaky irrigation systems waste 900 billion – yes, billion – gallons of water nationwide each year. It’s bad for your property and your wallet.
  3. Performing routine updates. Like any technology, your system will need occasional tweaks to perform at maximum capacity. Our licensed professionals deliver.

Smart water use can be simple when you turn to Doctor Sprinkler. With seasonal care and specialized attention, your irrigation system will always operate to the best of its potential.

Our team is here to ensure that your summer season is punctuated with a beautiful exterior – and frugal water use – that benefits your property value and your wallet!